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apkg packaging guide

This guide assumes you have:

apkg packaging workflow

                        apkg packaging workflow

 +------------------------------+    +------------------------------------+
 |                              |    |                                    |
 |     $ apkg make-archive      |    |     $ apkg get-archive [-v 1.2.3]  |
 |                              |    |                                    |
 |   in: current project state  | OR |   in: archive hosted online        |
 |                              |    |                                    |
 |  out: pkg/archives/dev/*.xz  |    |  out: pkg/archives/upstream/*.xz   |
 |                              |    |                                    |
 +---------------+--------------+    +----------------+-------------------+
                 |                                    |
                 |                                    |
                 |                                    |
                 v                                    v
      |                                                             |
      |     $ apkg srcpkg                                           |
      |                                                             |
      |   in: distro/pkg/$TEMPLATE/  (package template)             |
      |       pkg/archives/*/*.xz    (archive)                      |
      |                                                             |
      |  out: pkg/srcpkgs/$DISTRO/$SRCPKG         (source package)  |
      |       pkg/build/srcpkgs/$DISTRO/$SRCPKG/  (build dir)       |
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |     $ apkg build                                            |
      |                                                             |
      |   in: pkg/srcpkgs/$DISTRO/$SRCPKG  (source package)         |
      |                                                             |
      |  out: pkg/pkgs/$DISTRO/$PKG        (package)                |
      |       pkg/build/pkgs/$DISTRO/$PKG  (build dir)              |
      |                                                             |


To get a summary of available commands simply run apkg without parameters.

Use --help/-h after a command to get help for that particular command instead:

$> apkg build -h

Detailed description of each command is available in commands docs.

You can control apkg output format and verbosity using -L/--log-level option:

  • -L debug: print everything; include source file, line number, and function name
  • -L verbose: print more things; include module name and function
  • -L info: print normal amount of things - default
  • -L brief: only print important things like success, errors, and command output
  • -L quiet: suppress all logging output, only print command results

Please note that the option must be specified before apkg sub-command, i.e.:

apkg -L verbose build -b


-L verbose and -L debug options can be very helpful when debugging, try adding one before your failing apkg command to gain more insight.

system setup

In order to setup a system for packaging with apkg, run:

apkg system-setup

This will install required system packages depending on current distro such as rpm-build on Fedora or devscripts on Debian.

project setup

All apkg input files reside in top-level distro/ directory by convention.

In order to use apkg in your project you need to provide it with:

  • configuration in distro/config/apkg.toml
  • package templates in individual directories of distro/pkg/

Let's start by entering top level project dir and creating distro/ there:

cd project
mkdir distro

project config - apkg.toml

Let's create distro/config directory and open new apkg.toml in your favorite editor:

mkdir distro/config
edit distro/config/apkg.toml

You can use apkg's distro/config/apkg.toml as a starting point.

See apkg config docs for a complete list of individual apkg.toml options including descriptions.

This guide assumes you have following options specified in your apkg.toml:

Confirm that apkg status in project directory mentions existing config file:

$> apkg status | grep 'project config'

project config:          distro/config/apkg.toml (exists)

Test project.make_archive_script option using apkg make-archive:

$> apkg make-archive

I creating dev archive
I running make_archive_script: scripts/
I archive created: dist/apkg-0.0.2.tar.gz
I copying archive to: pkg/archives/dev/apkg-0.0.2.tar.gz
✓ made archive: pkg/archives/dev/apkg-0.0.2.tar.gz


If you run into issues, consider inserting -L verbose or -L debug before the failing command to print more detailed information.

Great, you're now able to create archives required to create packages!

package templates

Next we need to create individual package templates to contain all files needed to create source package using one of supported packaging styles.

Each directory in distro/pkg/ is considered a template.

Version string should be replaced with {{ version }} macro in relevant files and such templating is available for all files present in a template - you can reference {{ }} and more.

This is best demonstrated on apkg itself:


apkg doesn't provide means to create new templates automatically as that's handled on distro level.

Just use standard way of creating packages on the target platform, put the resulting files into template dir and adjust {{ version }}.

Use target distro's packaging docs and use similar packages already in distro repos as a reference.

Please consult package template docs alongside target distro packaging docs and you should eventually arrive at apkg status mentioning newly created package templates:

$> apkg status

project name:            project
project base path:       /home/u/src/project
project VCS:             git
project config:          distro/config/apkg.toml (exists)
package templates path:  distro/pkg (exists)
package templates:
    arch: distro/pkg/arch
    deb: distro/pkg/deb

current distro: arch / Arch Linux
    package style: arch
    package template: distro/pkg/arch

build dependencies

apkg is able to parse and install build requires directly from templates as well as from source packages.

To install project build deps for current distro:

apkg build-dep

Alternatively, you can only list build deps and install/process them as you see fit:

apkg build-dep -l

build packages

apkg build is a primary apkg command used to build packages that should cover vast majority of use cases.

Try running apkg build and see what it says. apkg should explain clearly if something is wrong, if that's not the case please do open a new issue as that's a serious usability problem.

Here is an example of successful apkg build run on Arch linux (with output filtered using --brief option to success/error messages only):

arch$> apkg build

✓ made archive: pkg/archives/dev/apkg-0.0.2.tar.gz
✓ made source package: pkg/srcpkgs/arch/apkg-0.0.2-1/PKGBUILD
✓ built 1 packages in: pkg/pkgs/arch/apkg-0.0.2-1

Same command in the very same dir on Debian machine:

debian$> apkg build

✓ made archive: pkg/archives/dev/apkg-0.0.2.tar.gz
✓ made source package: pkg/srcpkgs/debian-unstable/apkg-0.0.2-1/apkg_0.0.2-1.dsc
✓ built 1 packages in: pkg/pkgs/debian-unstable/apkg_0.0.2-1

To minimize waiting time, apkg automatically caches and reuses archives/source packages/packages produced by individual commands as long as project is managed by VCS (git) and --no-cache wasn't supplied.

Re-running the command without changes to project source code results in apkg reusing cached files from previous run:

debian$> apkg build

✓ reuse cached archive: pkg/archives/dev/apkg-0.0.2.tar.gz
✓ reuse cached source package: pkg/srcpkgs/debian-unstable/apkg-0.0.2-1/apkg_0.0.2-1.dsc
✓ reuse 1 cached packages from: pkg/pkgs/debian-unstable/apkg_0.0.2-1

output directory pkg/

You've probably noticed by now that apkg outputs all files into pkg/ directory as described in intro output section.

You can delete entire pkg/ directory at any time as it only contains output that can be re-created by re-running apkg commands.


This guide deserves more content ✍🏽


See projects using apkg 👀